In this post, I’m going to be announcing Easy Sermon Hub 1.7. Version 1.7 of Easy Sermon Hub is the first version of Easy Sermon Hub developed myself. I emphasized earlier that one of my goals is to help church website administrators distribute sermons more effectively. I want to give a quick sneak peek of the two main feature additions to address this goal.



Easy Sermon Hub 1.7 begins to address this with one of the popular information transmission mediums today: podcasts. This new version will include the ability to create multiple podcast feeds. Episodes can be published automatically from sermons added based on any taxonomy or custom classification (see below).

Custom Classifications

Speaking of taxonomies, custom taxonomies (known as classifications in Easy Sermon Hub) can be created for sermons, too. Want a classification for interviews or testimonies? If you need it, you can add it. Allow your members and visitors to search sermons by your custom classifications, too.

Block Editor Integration

One of my personal favorite features in this update is the integration with the WordPress block editor, Gutenberg. You can now write sermon notes using blocks. I did add an option if you would rather continue using the classic editing experience. Gutenberg is here, and full-site editing is targeted for the end of the year. I look forward to Easy Sermon Hub having great integration with the new editor.


Verse of the Day

Additionally, version 1.7 is the first version to add a block. The block I’ve added in this release allows you to add a verse of the day anywhere on your website. I provide the option to choose between BibleGateway, Verse-A-Day, and OurManna.


I have added lots of hooks for developers in this version as well. From sermon presentation to podcasting, there’s a hook for almost anything a developer needs. I’m looking to establish a way for developers to suggest hooks they would like added as well. A goal of mine is for Easy Sermon Hub to not only be the easiest sermon plugin, but the most developer-friendly as well.

Codebase Improvements

There are also many codebase improvements I’ve made to Easy Sermon Hub. The plugin will run a little more efficiently as a whole. In addition, there were many bugs from previous versions that I squashed.

In Conclusion

Above I have only mentioned the highlights of this release. I will publish a full list of changes on launch day. I’m still working on the plugin between now and then so it’s difficult to provide a hard changelog at this time.

When is launch day? I’m aiming for June 29. Hopefully, you’ve found this post on announcing Easy Sermon Hub 1.7 helpful. I know there haven’t been many updates in a while, but I’m looking to change that starting with this release.